
CCS 2021

Our paper Util::Lookup: Exploiting key decoding in cryptographic libraries was accepted at CCS 2021.

CHES 2021

Our paper Side-Channel Protections for Picnic Signatures was accepted at CHES 2021

PQC Standardization

Our paper Side-Channel Protections for Picnic Signatures was accepted at the Third PQC Standardization Conference.

DIMVA 2021

Our paper Help, my Signal has bad Device! - Breaking the Signal Messenger’s Post-Compromise Security through a Malicious Device was accepted at DIMVA 2021.

Program Commitees 2021

I’ll be on the program commitee of CHES 2021, INDOCRYPT 2021, ARES 2021, COSADE 2021, and on the shadow program commitee of S&P 2021.

CIE 2021

Our paper Robust Online Algorithms for Dynamic Choosing Problems was accepted at CIE 2021.

SOSA 2021

Our paper New Bounds for the Vertices of the Integer Hull was accepted at SOSA 2021.


Our paper Tightness of Sensitivity and Proximity Bounds for Integer Programs was accepted at SOFSEM 2021.

CCS 2020

Our paper SNI-in-the-head: Protecting MPC-in-the-head Protocols against Side-channel Analysis was accepted at CCS 2020.

MFCS 2020

Our paper Solving Packing Problems with Few Small Items Using Rainbow Matchings was accepted at MFCS 2020.