
PACE 2020

We participated in the PACE 2020 treedepth challenge and got place 4 out of 15 in the exact track and place 5 out of 10 in the heuristic track.


Two new preprints are available. In the first paper, we investigate the vertices of the integer hull, the integer analogues of basic feasible solutions. We either match or improve the best known upper bounds on their number via surprisingly simple probabilistic methods. In the second paper, we show how to provably protect MPC-in-the-head protocols against sidechannel attacks. To illustrate this approach, we secured the Picnic signature scheme.


I moved to the Institute for IT Security in Lübeck.


I will participate in the Dagstuhl Seminar 20132 The Renaissance of Information Hiding, which has been moved due to COVID-19.

ESA 2019

Our paper Online Bin Covering with Limited Migration was accepted at ESA 2019.